Friday, August 27, 2010

[N223.Ebook] Ebook Free Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live., by David Platt

Ebook Free Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live., by David Platt

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Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live., by David Platt

Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live., by David Platt

Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live., by David Platt

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Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live., by David Platt

What did Jesus really mean when he said, "Follow me"?

In this new audiobook, David Platt, author of the New York Times best-selling book Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, contends that multitudes of people around the world culturally think they are Christians yet biblically are not followers of Christ.

Scores of men, women, and children have been told that becoming a follower of Jesus simply involves believing certain truths or saying certain words. As a result churches today are filled with people who believe they are Christians - but aren't. We want to be disciples as long as doing so does not intrude on our lifestyles, our preferences, our comforts, and even our religion.

  • Sales Rank: #6855 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-02-04
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 444 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

167 of 175 people found the following review helpful.
Even Better Than Being Radical
By Tim Challies
David Platt's Radical was one of those rare books that catapults a first-time author straight to top of the charts. For two years it was a fixture on the lists of bestsellers and even today it remains a top seller in the Christian ranks. Radical was a call for Christians to escape the doldrums of the American dream and to live for something better, something that counts for far more. Books with this message are hardly a rarity today, but what set this one apart was its grounding in the good news of the gospel.

Almost three years later Platt brings us his follow-up, Follow Me. Where in Radical he exposed cultural values and ideas that are opposed to the gospel, his purpose in Follow Me is "to move from what we let go of to whom he hold on to. I want to explore not only the gravity of what we must forsake in this world, but also the greatness of the one we follow in this world. I want to expose what it means to die to ourselves and to live in Christ." He says

I am convinced that when we take a serious look at what Jesus really meant when he said, "Follow me," we will discover that there is far more pleasure to be experienced in him, indescribably greater power to be realized with him, and a much higher purpose to be accomplished for him than anything else this world has to offer. And as a result, we will all--every single Christian--eagerly, willingly, and gladly lose our lives to know and proclaim Christ, for this is simply what it means to follow him.

The fact is that there are multitudes of people who profess faith in Jesus Christ but who are not truly his followers. Platt wants his readers to be radical in their Christian commitment, but he wants them to ensure they have left behind the trappings of superficial religion for the joy of supernatural regeneration. He wants his readers to know that as we follow Christ, "he transforms our minds, our desires, our wills, our relationships, and our ultimate reason for living." Once Christians have been transformed, they will inevitably begin to multiply, to make more disciples, both in their local context and across the planet. As with Radical, Platt's particular concern is that North American Christians shake off their apathy and desire for comfort and take the gospel to the far corners of the earth. The call to follow Christ is a call to go wherever the gospel has not yet been preached.

Follow Me is essentially a brief theology of Christian living and mission, extending from the response to the gospel's call to being the one to then extend that call to others. So many books of this kind come from outside of our theological stream, and it is almost as if we need to translate or contextualize them. Platt's, though, is consistently biblical and gospel-centered in the best sense of that term. He does not introduce anything new or, dare I say it, radical to the equation (which I say as praise, not critique). He does not try to be clever or witty or original. He just teaches what the Bible teaches.

The book concludes with a "Personal Disciple-Making Plan." Using a question and answer format Platt leads the reader to consider a plan to grow as a Christian and to make disciples. Here he addresses one of the critiques that came in the wake of Radical, that he had not given sufficient emphasis to the centrality of the local church in the Christian's life. He has the reader ask:

How will I fill my mind with truth?
How will I fuel my affections for God?
How will I share God's love as a witness in the world?
How will I show God's love as a member of a church?
How will I spread God's glory among all peoples?
How will I make disciple makers among a few people?
He expands upon each of these questions and in doing so provides a helpful grid for living this life in a way that honors the Lord.

It sometimes seems as if books on a particular topic arrive in waves, and I suppose this is probably just the case. One bestseller may expose a lack of writing on a topic and many other authors respond. There have been several recent books that have a good measure of overlap with this one, emphasizing true conversion over cultural Christianity and emphasizing the importance of discipleship (Francis Chan's Multiply comes to mind, as does J.D. Greear's Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart). Still, this one is worth reading and worth handing out.

Though I would suggest that Follow Me is an objectively better book than Radical, my guess is that it will not sell as well. There is something about the call to be radical that appeals to us more than the call to simply follow. Yet this is the one I would prefer to hand out and the one I would prefer to have people read. It may not hold out the excitement and anticipation of doing something radical, but it does something far better and far more lasting than that--it calls us to follow Christ, to lose our lives for his sake. As Platt says, it is a call to die and a call to live. It is a call to die in order to really live.

53 of 59 people found the following review helpful.
Turning the "Pick up your cross and follow me," of Jesus' teachings into a National Best Seller:
By Benjamin Vineyard
Follow Me by David Platt [Book Review]

Initial Questions:
What is it about David Platt's writing that allows him to turn, the "Pick up your cross and follow me," of Jesus' teachings into a national best seller? (I'm suspicious...) Or, to play the cynic, does he lure people in with an intriguing, difficult message and then deflate the call to follow, or completely toss the message aside?

Kudos to David Platt for sparking a healthy critique of the church; moderate examination is always a sign of health. One thing *Follow Me* strongly accomplished was encouraging the question, "Is my experience of Christianity the full picture of what Jesus brings?"

*Follow Me* amplifies this healthy critique from Platt's earlier nationally resonant book, *Radical*. In *Follow Me*, Platt writes to reveal the who and how of "radical" Christian living.

In my reading, I discovered three healthy things and four unhealthy things from *Follow Me*.

* *Follow Me* brings the question: "Isn't there supposed to be more than reading my Bible, going to church, and talking to people about Jesus? Jesus seems to ask more..."

* Platt spells out the reality and origin of God causing new life to take root within us (p. 18); he illustrates that people who come face to face with Jesus *do* experience change and their lives are called into something different from their surroundings. This is the sanctifying work of grace.

* *Follow Me* spells out the necessity of repentance and grace in our world (p.20), even though I think he missed the mark that God isn't out to do something impressive or worthy of glory, but rather that it's simply God's nature to dive head-first into the brokenness (theology of Glory vs theology of the cross).

Side Note:

On the point of grace, when writing about the end-goal of grace, I believe Platt misses that grace isn't about getting us to heaven, but about God bringing his justice into our world to make all things new, including you and me.

"If you and I know and believe that Jesus came to save us from hell for heaven, then we have no choice but to spend our lives on earth making that salvation known." (p.87)

[There's no doubt that all who rely by grace through faith on the person of Jesus will forever and for always be in the loving presence of God; but there's also no biblical doubt that the goal isn't to "get out" of earth but rather enflesh God's work of justice and mercy as we work and pray, "Your kingdom come..."]

Here are the elements of *Follow Me* that I felt missed the mark:

* For a book about following Jesus, there was very little Jesus of the Gospels; Platt provided little *Gospel narrative* clarity on who you were going to follow, and what it looks like from a Gospels-perspective to follow. Readers were inundated with the necessity substitutionary atonement theory and the old evangelical adage: "Because Jesus did that, you should just follow, just follow."

* *Follow Me* had no connection of Jesus or discipleship to the present reign of God (which Mark's Gospel explicitly states is "the Gospel", Mark 1:15). As I wrote above, Platt's starting point is a handful of preconceived doctrines (albeit biblical) rather than a biblical, Gospel narrative. He uses doctrinal bullet points rather than the story of Jesus to try to speak about discipleship.

* There was very little direction for *ordinary* discipleship; Platt's litter of extraordinary missionary stories was deflating and felt grandiose (almost boastful). Plus, such adventures are markedly different than incarnational moving in with a people to share in the Gospel as a way of life, rather than the Gospel as a package to deliver.

* Platt concludes *Follow Me* by inviting the reader into a very personal, though personally shared with others who are also on their personal faith journey, "following" program of: reading your Bible more, going to church more, and evangelizing more, with an ending caveat to encourage others to be disciples (of which Platt focuses little attention in his book).

Platt's conclusion, by my deduction, is that when people ask the above, "Isn't there more..." he says, "No, not really."

But can you blame him? He's excelled at drawing people into a large megachurch in Alabama; what Platt does well is getting people to do the normal church thing. Why would he want to critique that legacy and impressive success (by some standards) and say, "I think we've missed something..." There's a lot of risk for him in that.

**My final thoughts:**

Platt does provide the gift of a great question in *Follow Me* as he invites people to entertain the thought that discipleship is missing in a lot of the church today. But, I don't feel Platt's answers take us in the best direction; while his examples are helpful and sentimental at times, I don't think we can provide a healthy path of Christian discipleship if our noses aren't buried in the Gospel stories and from that experience asking with people in our community, "How do we live this life that Jesus came to bring?" ...all this of course starts with the gracious embrace of God, which is what Platt tried hard to underscore.

My feel is that this book only makes sense for a comfortable audience who knows little of brokenness on the systemic level and who is numb to identity behind the national capital system and this is sent searching for a greater brand for fulfillment. You don't read this book in an inner city church for a church study, you'd be ashamed to bring it up, mostly because Platt all but ignores the "good news" of God's gracious justice which intends to restore all things.

Finally, discipleship and dying to self from Platt felt like a self makeover and augmentation as Platt writes not about the loss of self but the enlargement of self as self discovers through Platt's book how to become part of the greatness and find fulfillment in the completion of self.

So, where would I point you if I wouldn't recommend *Follow Me*?

* Read the Four Gospels
* Read Bonhoeffer's *The Cost of Discipleship* (I'm baffled at how Platt wrote a modern book on discipleship with only one mention to Bonhoeffer's *Discipleship*)
* Read Dallas Willard's *The Great Omission* or *The Divine Conspiracy*.
* Read this hidden treasure with the same title as Platt's book: *Follow Me* by Luke Kammrath.

53 of 61 people found the following review helpful.
mobilizing disciple-makers
By ssumner
This is the best book I've read on basic Christianity in years. For a pastor to write what he has written (and what Francis Chan wrote in the Foreword) heartens me in my deep. I believe every elder of every church and every trustee of every Christian school should read this book--and heed its message.

Given that I've spent most of my adult life working as a seminary professor, I couldn't wait to find out if David Platt went to seminary himself. Lo and behold, he did. He has an earned Ph.D from a seminary, and it shows. His theology is excellent. He does not promote a works righteousness theology; he promotes what the apostle Paul promotes--the obedience of faith. He is so truthful that he even tells his readers that if their pastors aren't teaching AND modeling biblical Christianity, then their pastors lack legitimate authority. That's not a Baptist thing to say, that's a Christian thing to say. Few are the professing Christians who will admit that authority isn't legitimized by virtue of a person's position in an organization.

Authority in Christ is a totally different thing than positional authority in a religious organization that claims to be Christian but whose top leaders do not model repentance. It's one thing to admit sin in a political way and a whole different ballgame to repent from sin in humility by making restitution. The gospel calls for repentance, even though our repentance is not what saves us. We're saved by grace. We're saved by the blood of Jesus. Platt says it well in his remark that many have exchanged the blood of Christ for the "Kool Aid" that people drink when they go with the flow of the politics and take the easy way out and just keep on sinning as if grace issues us a license to sin without genuine remorse. That's my rephrase of Platt's statement, but it's his phrase to contrast the blood of Christ with Kool Aid.

There are so many truthful things highlighted in this book that I find myself both praising God that this book is selling well and praying for all of us readers, including Platt himself, to live it out. It's time for a Fourth Great Awakening in America, and I think this book, John Piper's _Risk Is Right_, and Dallas Willard's _ Knowing Christ Today_ are three books that can help revitalize the church in America. Cultural Christianity has displaced biblical Christianity in many evangelical communities. Thus Platt's book, _Follow Me- , which is akin to Bonhoeffer's _The Cost of Discipleship_, is timely and so needed right now.

The whole point of his book is to mobilize disciple-makers, to motivate all of us to be like the apostle Paul and make it our whole life purpose to follow Jesus and make disciples regardless of the size of our sphere of influence or what kind of work we do. Platt's language is confrontational, yet he speaks with such a good tone. He is not preachy or self-righteous. He's just honest. There is nothing legalistic or grandiose about his approach to explaining the Great Commission. He just lays it out in a way that is faithfully reflective of the Scriptures.

If you're tired of people playing church, or you're feeling empty due to your "success" in Christian professionalism, or you're longing for revival in America, or if you want to stoke or restoke the flames of your passion for disciple-making, then read this book. And if you're serious about following Jesus, then put into action Matthew 18:15-17 as David Platt describes, echoing Jesus. Because as Platt says so clearly, in a true Christian community, sin is dealt with "simply, openly, and severely."

Again, Platt doesn't say that legalistically, he says it biblically--noting that sin is dealt with, so that we can effectively repent from it more and more and more. And so that we will marvel at God's grace and be all the more resolved to follow Jesus, enduring the pain that comes with that, and entering into His joy, and sharing the gospel with others in our excitement.

See all 457 customer reviews...

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