Saturday, February 27, 2010

[V473.Ebook] Free PDF The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

Free PDF The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

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The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

Free PDF The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

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The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino

"Contrary to what most underperformers claim, sales success is not situational. It's not about the market, the product, the company, or the competition. No, it's all about the seller - the individual." - from the Foreword.

Anthony Iannarino never set out to become a salesman, let alone a sales manager, speaker, coach, or writer of the most prominent blog about the art and science of great selling. He fell into his profession by accident, as a day job while pursuing rock-and-roll stardom. Once he realized he'd never become the next Mick Jagger, Iannarino turned his focus to a question that's been debated for at least a century: Why are a small number of salespeople in any field hugely successful, while the rest are stuck with mediocre results at best? Since then, and for over 25 years, he has read hundreds of books, tested countless strategies, and interviewed dozens of the best salespeople to figure out what sets the extraordinary ones apart from the rest.

Now he's boiled down everything he's learned and tested into one convenient audiobook, packed with useful material for everyone from raw rookies to tested veterans. He focuses on the building blocks that all successful sellers, regardless of industry or organization, share: a mind-set of powerful beliefs and a skill-set of key actions.

He explores 19 essential traits and skills that nearly all great salespeople have, including:

  • Self-discipline: How to keep your commitments to yourself and others.
  • Accountability: How to own the outcomes you sell.
  • Competitiveness: How to embrace competition rather than let it intimidate you.
  • Resourcefulness: How to blend your imagination, experience, and knowledge into unique solutions.
  • Storytelling: How to create deeper relationships by presenting a story in which the client is the hero and you're their guide.
  • Diagnosing: How to look below the surface to figure out someone else's real challenges and needs.

Once you learn Iannarino's core strategies, picking up the specific tactics for your product and customers will be that much easier.

Whether you sell to big companies, small companies, or individual consumers, this is the book you'll turn to again and again for proven wisdom, strategies, and tips that really work.

  • Sales Rank: #3225 in Audible
  • Published on: 2016-10-11
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 354 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Perhaps the Best Book of the Year
By James Muir
Having been in sales for three decades now I tend to favor books that specialize in a specific area. However, every now and then a broad scope book comes along that really hits the bull’s eye over a broad scope – Anthony Iannarino’s The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need is just such a book.

One of the things that makes Anthony’s book noteworthy is an acknowledgment that our mind-set is foundational for success in selling. When we master our beliefs and behaviors we free ourselves to achieve the level of success we desire. The Only Sales Guide acknowledges this by devoting the first half of the book to this subject.

It would have been easy to generically address the area of mind-set by offering up something in area of attitudes and desire but Anthony’s book goes beyond that by breaking down mind-set into ten components that are crucial for sales professionals. Each of these is given serious treatment and this whole section is like a personal achievement book unto itself.

Here are the mind-set areas Anthony addresses in the book:

- Self-Discipline
- Optimism
- Caring
- Competitiveness
- Resourcefulness
- Initiative
- Persistence
- Communication
- Accountability
- Influence

In the final area (influence) Anthony sums up using all of the elements to maximize influence. It is the mastery of all these areas combined that creates true influence. Lifelong attentions to these areas will make you truly great and a powerful influence for good among others.

The second half of the book is devoted to the specific skills sales professionals must be proficient at in order to succeed. The importance of being skilled in our craft reminds me of the saying by Thomas Fuller that “It is skill, not strength, that governs a ship.” So appropriately here we turn our focus on honing our craft.

This section begins with a reminder that sales is service. “Selling isn’t something you do to someone. It’s something you do for and with someone.” What follows is an excellent discussion of ten commitments each salesperson needs in order to serve their customers. I hope Anthony won’t mind if I summarize here:

- The Commitment of Time
- The Commitment to Explore
- The Commitment to Change
- The Commitment to Collaborate
- The Commitment to Build Consensus
- The Commitment to Invest
- The Commitment to Review Your Proposed Solution
- The Commitment to Resolve Concerns
- The Commitment to Decide
- The Commitment to Execute

This wholesome philosophy frames-up and paves the way for all the skills to come.

The section on skills contains solid and practical advice on eight skill areas – three of which are very special and unique to this book. The skill areas addressed are:

- Closing
- Prospecting
- Storytelling
- Diagnosing
- Negotiating
- Business Acumen
- Change Management
- Leadership

Anthony offers very insightful advice on the importance of these skills as well as their execution.

In the last three skills, (Business Acumen, Change Management & Leadership) Anthony covers new ground that to my knowledge, has not been covered in a sales work before. These are higher-level skills that are more challenging to master but are essential for sales professionals that seek to insure their clients and customers realize the full benefits of the solutions they offer. This is absolutely refreshing and raises the bar on where our minds should be when interacting with customers.

I was confident that I would enjoy this book because I very much enjoy Anthony Iannarino’s style of writing on The Sales Blog. What I didn’t expect is how timeless the material in this work is. Anthony has managed to encapsulate all of the core facets of professional selling in a surprisingly short number of pages. The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need is personal achievement meets professional selling. It’s both practical and inspiring. 5 Stars.

29 of 31 people found the following review helpful.
The BEST Sales Book I've EVER Read!
By Keith Nerdin
[[VIDEOID:22d1ba31ddf35ad5266a75b75cea91c7]] As someone who has edited and published a few books for different authors and also as someone who has read dozens and dozens of books on the topic of sales, I have to say, this book was a HUGE surprise! I've been a periodic reader of Anthony’s blog and watched a few of the interviews he did with Selling Power magazine and as such, I thought I had him pegged. I thought I knew what I was in for with his book. But I was wrong. Holy crap! Anthony’s book is freakin incredible! I'm truly blown away at how beautifully and brilliantly it's structured. I went into it thinking there wasn't really much new to be said about sales and was frankly expecting more of a creative repackaging of familiar concepts and strategies. Wrong again. I was delightfully surprised at how many times I was surprised—caught off guard by a truly fresh and inspired perspective or nugget of wisdom.

But what I think I was least prepared for was the absolute mastery he conveys in terms of his framework and vocabulary. Each step, each word, is so clearly used with such deliberate intent. It's abundantly clear that he has spent a ridiculous amount of time fine-tuning these components, or elements as they’re referred to in the book, over the years! He knows exactly how each one builds off of and depends on the another. He conveys the sequence of development with unwavering confidence and they never feel forced or fluffed. He doesn’t just make clever connections. He makes bold, authoritative declarations of how things absolutely do work—not theories or philosophies of what might be true. And I’m telling you, it’s 100% credible and believable.

Anthony’s style of writing in this book is so clean, tidy, stripped down, and packed with power. I know what an almost unimaginable amount of work, editing, and rewriting it takes to get a manuscript to this level. So HUGE congrats to Anthony for having the humility and patience to be open to and accept what was no doubt an insane amount of feedback and critiquing.

So...I'm going out on a limb here. I’m going to say that due to the level of truly expert craftsmanship, fresh insight, and succinct power contained in this book, I’m giving it the label of...THE best sales book I've ever read. I thought long and hard before making such a declaration. But it’s one I full-heartedly stand by. I really do believe it's just that good.

Anthony, I’m SO glad you've written this book and truckloads of kudos to you for doing such a fabulous job of pulling it all together!

Now as a little bonus at the end of my review, I mentioned how clearly and concisely Anthony writes, right? Well to help illustrate that, I’m going to share with you my Top 40 favorite quotes from the book. And each one is concise enough to fit in a tweet--140 characters or less and should give you a quick, yet comprehensive sense of the lessons contained in this book. Here they are, starting at number 40 and counting down to my favorite:

40 - Your contacts may not remember anything from your slide deck, but they will remember your stories.
39 - To succeed in sales, you must develop the necessary relationships before you need them.
38 - Self-discipline is essential to sales success. Your good intentions are worthless unless they are coupled with disciplined action.
37 - In sales, nurturing can be defined as “creating value before you claim any.”
36 - Great negotiating is not about winning; it’s about creating agreement despite conflicting needs.
35 - What concerned your parents should now concern you because the people you spend time with can build you up or pull you down.
34 - Put prospecting first. You can’t cram prospecting. It must be a daily discipline. Block out time every day for this activity.
33 - Prospecting is a campaign, not an event. It’s a series of “touches” that lead to a conversation and an opportunity to meet.
32 - Respect your competitors and believe they are every bit as good as you are.
31 - The antidote to complacency is initiative. Initiative is irrefutable evidence that you care about your customers.
30 - There is no way to rush relationships, and there is no way to rush trust.
29 - Stories are compelling. They move ideas out of the realm of the theoretical and into the real world.
28 - If you call to ask your prospective client “if anything has changed,” you will immediately identify yourself as a time waster.
27 - In sales, you must continually open new relationships. Remember, no opportunity is ever closed that hasn’t first been opened.
26 - If you don’t tackle problems quickly and directly, you’ll be replaced as surely as you replaced the salesperson before you.
25 - Your job is to create and sell a compelling case for change and then manage and lead that change.
24 - Self-discipline is the fundamental attribute of all successful people. It allows them to take action even when they don’t want to.
23 - Failure is simply an event. It doesn’t define you or your future.
22 - If you want to ruin your career in sales, just start saying, “It can’t be done.”
21 - When you hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else can imagine, you always soar above the mark that others have set for you.
20 - Choose to be a leader. Take responsibility for producing results, for helping your clients create the outcomes you sold them.
19 - If you can’t devise a win-win agreement, you must walk away. This is the price of being a professional, of being a trusted adviser.
18 - Eliminate distractions. When it’s time for you to do your prospecting, turn off your e-mail, the Internet, and your smartphone. Focus.
17 - It is 100 percent your responsibility to grow, to develop yourself both personally and professionally.
16 - A “no” is not failure. It’s information.
15 - Being grateful is one of the most empowering choices you can make.
14 - Sales is all about gaining commitments from your prospects. But the most important commitments are those you make to yourself.
13 - Don’t wait. Initiate. Set yourself in motion and seize the initiative. Be productive, engaged, and innovate.
12 - When you know you are doing the right thing, the outcome of the sale matters less.
11 - Most people don’t fail because they can’t do something. They fail because they aren’t willing to do what it takes to succeed.
10 - Reframe setbacks and obstacles as feedback that helps you make adjustments. Then try again.
9 - In basketball, the game is over when the buzzer sounds. There is no buzzer in sales… because the game never ends.
8 - The hard-sell closing techniques of the past may be dead, but the need to ask for commitments from the client is not.
7 - The ability to think on your feet is no excuse for being unprepared.
6 - The more desperate you are to fill your pipeline with opportunities, the more difficult it is to do so.
5 - Your clients are not looking for a vendor. They want a partner who will charge into battle and tip the balance in their favor.
4 - Small salespeople ask weak questions.
3 - Negativity is the only cancer that spreads by contact.
2 - It’s a simple truth: the more you care about your customer’s results, the better your own results will be.
1 - Finish this sentence: “I sell ____.” If you answered with anything other than “outcomes,” you are wrong.

And that’s it. The title to Anthony’s book is about as bold as they come. But it may in fact, be just that. I wholeheartedly recommend picking up your own copy and seeing for yourself whether or not this is indeed, “The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need.”

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
The most comprehensive book on sales & sales success written this decade
By Mike Weinberg | Consultant, Speaker, Author
I've been reading Anthony's blog posts for six years, and I've written publicly before that he's my #1 Go-To Sales Guru. He’s the first person I turn to for sales help, and he is the only one I turned to when my most sophisticated client needed perspective and assistance on a very complex sales issue.

Like many of you in the sales community, I have known about this book for a long time and been anxiously awaiting its release.
I provided the foreword for The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need so I've read it several times. It's not an exaggeration to declare that this is the most comprehensive sales book written this decade. Here are just a few excerpts from the foreword:

"You won’t find many books like this or authors willing to share the hard truth. Instead of telling you what you want to hear and offering yet another “get rich quick” or “lose weight while doubling your carbohydrate intake without exercise” scheme, Anthony pulls back the covers to expose deeper truths about who wins big in sales, why they win, and how they do it..."

"In The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, Anthony tackles a crucial, central question. And honestly, this really is the only relevant question:
Why do a few highly successful salespeople consistently outperform their peers?"

“This book is built on a critical premise: Contrary to what most underperformers claim, sales success is not situational. No, it’s not about the market, the product, the company, or the competition. It is all about the seller – the individual."

"Anthony doesn’t hold back the good stuff. The first chapter of The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need jumps right into the deep end to look at the importance of self-​discipline and what he calls “me management.” Do not skip ahead or blow through this chapter."

"Once you’ve read through Anthony’s master class on mind-​set in part 1, you’ll tackle skills development in part 2, which is as powerful as it is practical. While the attributes, attitudes, and behaviors taught in part 1 position you to win in sales, the skills revealed in part 2 show you not only how to effectively execute the sales attack but also to win decisively. Anthony leaves no stone unturned, looking at all the essential elements, ranging from prospecting (opening relationships) to closing (gaining commitments) and everything in between."

"Anthony makes the strong case that to succeed today, we need to be more than just great salespeople. We must become great businesspeople. He shares valuable tips to increase your business acumen and set you apart in your clients’ eyes. He also ensures that you understand the importance of building consensus and how to navigate your dream client’s organization - connecting with various stakeholders so you can masterfully quarterback and advance your best opportunities down the field to score.

If you're a sales professional who wants to up your game, this book is for you. And if you badly want to become a true sales professional who wins big and wins for the long-term, this is The Guide you need.

Mike Weinberg | Consultant | Speaker | Author of two Amazon #1 Bestsellers

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The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino PDF

The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino PDF

The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino PDF
The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, by Anthony Iannarino PDF

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

[P511.Ebook] PDF Download Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky

PDF Download Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky

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Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky

Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky

Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky

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Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky

Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing and Selling Investment Real Estate is written for commercial real estate brokers by a commercial real estate broker. In this book, Brad Umansky takes you through the steps to develop skills and strategies to succeed in the business of brokering commercial real estate, including selling shopping centers, office buildings, apartment complexes, industrial buildings, hotels, and more. Brad Umansky is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business and has been a real estate broker since 1992. He has brokered over 600 commercial real estate transactions, including over 100 investment sale transactions. Brad has been a top producer at Grubb & Ellis, Lee & Associates, and Sperry Van Ness. Every concept and story contained in Value Added comes from actual experiences. This book provides you with the actions that successful investment sales professionals have used to build and grow their business. Value Added is a great resource for individuals considering getting into the real estate investment sales arena or for experienced brokers that want to be more intentional with their business.

  • Sales Rank: #414990 in Books
  • Published on: 2010
  • Binding: Hardcover

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
A Great Resource for Commercial Real Estate Brokers
By Nicholas Co
I have been in the commercial real estate brokerage, development, investment, and consulting business for 36 years, and I often receive inquiries from brokers in my market that are referred to me for professional and career advice. Most of these referrals come looking for me to reveal to them "secrets to success" in the business, but I disappoint many by giving them a list of books and other resources to read that I believe can help them greatly.

For full transparency and disclosure, I am not related to Mr. Umansky, nor have I ever met him or spoken to him by phone. Over the years, however, I have read many how-to real estate books in an attempt to further my quest for professional self-improvement and to identify resources to refer to the people who seek my professional advice and counsel.

Value Added is now at the top of my resource list--the book is easy to read and its contents provide an excellent outline and framework of essential knowledge for people entering the commercial/investment real estate brokerage business and for veteran brokers wanting to refocus their careers.

Through each of the sections and topics, the author provides the primary considerations for different aspects of the business, while interspersing the topics with helpful tips, suggestions, and observations. In short, the author provides a critical path for brokers to follow. Each section and subsection provides macro advice and a good starting point for further investigation and study.

On the inside front flap of the dust jacket, it says, "This book provides you the step-by-step actions that successful investment real estate sales professionals have used so that you can build and grow your business," and in a broad sense, it does just that.

On behalf of commercial/investment real estate brokers everywhere, I thank Mr. Umansky for his contribution to our profession.


Nick Nicholas CRE, CCIM, MAI
President - Nicholas Co.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
An MBA in the Investment Sales of Commercial Real Estate
By Gwen
Brad Umansky's book is a comprehensive practical course in succeeding in the Investment Sales arena of commercial real estate (selling shopping centers, office buildings, hotels, self-storage or office properties). Easy to understand and immediately apply to your business, his proven strategies and wise suggestions would benefit anyone in this field - whether a rookie or a veteran.

As an experienced commercial real estate broker, I deeply appreciated his back-to-basics approach and was able to implement his advice into my business and achieve measurable results in a very short time period. I strongly recommend this book for any commercial real estate professionals - leasing brokers, property managers and especially investment brokers. Brad has done an exceptional job of explaining the fundamentals of valuation of real estate . Understanding the financial aspects of valuation will improve the careers of professionals in all commercial real estate disciplines.

From marketing to presentation to financial analysis to negotiation and closing techniques, Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate covers it all.

Gwen MacKenzie, CRX, CLS
President and CEO
Shopping Center Investments, Inc.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Value Added
By Amazon Customer
Excellent overview of the commercial real estate business with practical tips and a solid plan for successful brokerage. I would recommend this book for the new to the business as well as the seasoned professional.

See all 10 customer reviews...

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Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky PDF

Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky PDF

Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky PDF
Value Added, Successful Strategies for Listing & Selling Investment Real Estate, by Brad Umansky PDF